14th June 2016 | Commercial Energy
In March, the Committee on Climate Change, which advises parliament on meeting UK’s carbon targets, submitted a report into the impacts of shale gas fracking: campaigners have accused ministers of suppressing it, but it can only be published when the secretary of state for energy has responded. It is likely to find that fracking would…Read more
13th June 2016 | Commercial Energy
Enappsys, which monitors wholesale electricity market data, forecasts that the National Grid will have an even more difficult job than last year keeping the lights on, when it took emergency measures for the first time. Smaller suppliers are likely to be hit hardest, as they have less ability to absorb such prices and some might…Read more
13th June 2016 | Recycling
We are led to believe that an exit from the EU will lead to less interference from Euro bureaucrats and the UK will be a better place as a result. In 1975, the EU introduced a waste hierarchy, prioritising activities (prevention, reuse, recycle, energy recovery, disposal) which has shaped the thinking behind the management of…Read more
12th June 2016 | Commercial Energy
The British Government cuts to subsidies to the solar power industry in Summer 2015, has led to more than half its 35,000 jobs, just at a time when the industry was producing more electricity than the coal. Experts say that the cuts came too far and too fast, just when solar was enjoying record-breaking growth….Read more
9th June 2016 | Commercial Energy
Oil prices are continuing to rise on fear about sabotage of oil facilities in Nigeria. Prices have again hit highs of more than $50 a barrel. Oil prices have risen after the Niger Delta Avengers militant group said it had blown up a Chevron oil well in Nigeria, after rejecting peace talks with the government….Read more