Water deregulation in April 2017
13th November 2016 | Water
The biggest reform the water industry has even seen is set to be introduced in April 2017, with water deregulation. At present, non-domestic users are only able to use their local supplier for all of their water needs. This is irrespective of the level of service they receive. After April 1 2017, water deregulation will take place, which will allow businesses, charities and public sector organisations the freedom to select the water supplier which best suits their needs.
This change has been known about for a long time and many businesses are making the mistake of waiting until the deadline before organising their new water contract. Richard Roberts, Account Manager at IMServ Europe Ltd, said, “We’ve seen the success of water deregulation in Scotland already, with some companies reporting savings of up to 30% on their water bills. However, some companies are lagging behind their competition and holding back on signing on the dotted line. These businesses may find themselves scrabbling for a favourable deal come April and accepting a contract which is not necessarily the best fit for them.”
Water deregulation is coming regardless of whether companies actively choose to take part in the Shadow Market or not: the Shadow Market is a transition phase and will simulate live services to allow systems, processes and data collection to be trialled without commercial risk. Additionally, as some operators are leaving the market altogether, some businesses may find that they are passed onto a service provider not of their choosing.
Richard continued, “Although April may feel like it’s just round the corner, there is still plenty of time for those offering water services to ensure their customers experience smooth sailing during the switch. Ultimately, the Shadow Market is a chance for the main participates to reassure themselves that the UK water market is preparing for this change, has looked at the effect that water deregulation has had on the Scottish market and taken learnings from the process.”
More information available on the website below