Surge in EV growth will shut down the National Grid by 2040

14th August 2019 | Commercial Energy

A surge in growth in Electric Vehicles (EV’s) in Britain, more in line with the EU, could potentially shut down the National Grid by 2040, according to SaveMoneyCutCarbon.

“The spike in demand from EVs could very well cause blackouts in certain areas of the UK, with there not being enough power generated, or particularly if the technology generating that power had not been upgraded,” according to sustainability savings expert, Mark Sait, CEO and Co-founder of SaveMoneyCutCarbon.

Sait, previously founded iBAHN, which pioneered making broadband access easy for hotels guests with this business growing to £100 million turnover. The Co-founder and Chairman of SMCC is Charlie Farr – other backers include Joel Cadbury and Lord Robin Russell. A report from the European Automobile Manufacturers’ Association (EAMA) shows that the sale of hybrid and full electric vehicles in Britain in the first quarter of 2019 increased by a modest 2.9% in the last year, this compares to the EU average of 40%.


“EU penetration in the UK is just at the starting blocks. A rapid upsurge in hybrid and full electric vehicles could create real concerns.”

The National Grid have reported that an additional 20% more energy capacity would be required by 2050 – without factoring in a significant rise in potential EV penetration in the UK. According to The National Grid, the UK’s energy system could push electricity demand from 348 TWh per year today to 491 TWh per year in 2050 – significantly above the 422 TWh a year the National Grid believes will be needed under a 2C warming trajectory. Peak demand would spoke at 115GW in 2050, almost twice today’s level.

As well as energy- and water-saving products and solutions, SaveMoneyCutCarbon offer EV chargers and cables to its customers who need help in being more sustainable.

More information available on the website below