Renewables now account for 30% of world power

20th September 2016 | Commercial Energy

Renewables, which include energy from hydropower, now account for over 30% of power capacity installed worldwide, and are delivering 23% of total electricity generated, according to a report to be released by the World Energy Council.

The paper confirms that hydropower and biomass continue to dominate the renewables sector with only four per cent of global electricity supply coming from wind and solar PV.

The report talks about 32 case studies representing around 90% of installed wind and solar capacity worldwide to outline recommendations for the huge increase in intermittent renewables supplies can best be integrated into power systems around the world: due to plummeting wind and solar costs, the trend for increased deployment is likely to continue. Weather forecasting methodologies need to be developed and improved to make them more accurate and increase generators’ ability to understand variability of wind and solar power.

The report is released ahead of the body’s 23rd World Energy Congress (10th – 13th October, Istanbul), where leaders will discuss the role of renewables in the transition to a low carbon economy.

More information available on the website below