Renewable energy to power 139 countries by 2050
23rd August 2017 | Commercial Energy
Renewable energy could entirely power 139 of the world’s industrialised countries by 2050 – including Britain, according to new research. By using 100 per cent wind, water and solar energy, 24 million jobs could be created and many deaths from air pollution prevented, the scientists claim.
The plans for a renewable energy future, by scientists at Stanford University in the United States, outline the infrastructure changes needed. They said the transition cold mean less global energy consumption due to the efficiency of clean, renewable electricity, and an annual decrease in 4-7 million air pollution deaths.
The team said it would stabilise energy prices, save an annual $20 trillion in health and climate costs, and could even reduce the risk of global conflict. For each of the 139 nations, the scientists assessed the raw renewable energy resources available, and the number of generators needed to be 100 per cent renewable by 2050.
The also considered how much land and rooftop area the power sources would require, and how it would reduce energy demand and cost. Professor Mark Z Jacobson, director of Stanford University’s Atmosphere and Energy Programme and co-founder of the Solutions Project, said: “Both individuals and governments can lead this change. Policymakers don’t usually want to commit to doing something unless there is some reasonable science that can show it is possible, and that is what we are trying to do.
“There are other scenarios. We are not saying that there is only one way we can do this, but having a scenario gives people direction.”
They studied each country’s electricity, transportation, heating, industrial, and agriculture, forestry and fishing sectors. The 139 countries were selected because they collectively emit over 99 per cent of all carbon dioxide worldwide. Place with a greater share of land per population, such as the US and China, were projected to have the easiest time making the transition to 100 per cent wind, water and solar.
But the most difficult places could be highly populated, small countries surrounded by ocean, such as Singapore, which may need an investment in offshore solar to convert fully.
More information available on the website below