More would be recycled if we knew where it went
12th September 2016 | Recycling
More would be recycled if we knew where it went and what happened to it: knowing what happens to recycling once it’s been collected and it is used to make is a growing motivation for participating in council recycling services, according to research commissioned by the Resource Association (RA).
Research amongst 1,771 people across England during June this year carried out by ICM Unlimited discovered that 77 per cent didn’t know what happens to their recycling after collection. 60% couldn’t say what their recycling was turned into, down from 60% in 2012 in a similar study by the RA.
There was rapid progression in the rate of recycling, but this has stalled and is hovering around 45%, struggling to reach the 50% target set by the EU for 2020. The research says that if people know what happens after collection, they are more likely to recycle.
More information available on the website below