8th February 2021 | Commercial Energy
The UK’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions decreased by 2.8% in 2019, according to the latest government figures. In 21019, the UK’s net territorial emissions (occurred within UK borders) of the basket of seven GHGs covered by the Kyoto Protocol (CO2, methane, nitrous oxide, hydrofluorocarbons, perfluorocarbons, sulphur hexafluoride, and nitrogen trifluoride) were estimated to be 454.8…Read more
8th February 2021 | Commercial Energy
The UK government estimates that tidal power could meet around 20% of our electricity demands, an amount which could change the dynamics of energy. This equates to an installed capacity of around 30-50 gigawatts delivering in the region of 90-200 terawatt hours per year. Given the UK is entirely surrounded by water we have the…Read more
4th February 2021 | Recycling
New research shows that 91% of UK adults believe the importance of increasing the amount we recycle will grow over the next five years and that the key area to focus our efforts on is plastics recycling. Currently only 9% of the plastics worldwide are recycled but if all plastic was recycled then we could…Read more
2nd February 2021 | Commercial Energy
Progress on UK climate emissions will “run out of steam” without serious action to cut pollution from transport and homes, campaigners have warned. The warning comes as the latest official figures for UK greenhouse gas emissions show that they fell by 3% in 2019 from the previous year, and are down 44% on 1990 levels….Read more
28th January 2021 | Commercial Energy
Hyundai Motor Group, Coventry City Council and the UK government have partnered with Urban Air Port to launch the world’s first site to demonstrate the potential of urban air mobility. Urban Air Port Air-One has been selected as a winner of the UK Government’s “Future Flight Challenge” to develop aviation infrastructure and systems that enable…Read more