Manufacturer opportunities through energy efficiency

7th September 2016 | Commercial Energy

Latest energy technologies offer manufacturers the opportunity to secure their own future energy supply and reduce their reliance on and costs of accessing energy from wholesale markets. Decentralised or on-site energy generation can also open up new revenue opportunities by offering manufacturers the chance to provide neighbouring businesses and communities with electricity. And this sits well with the sustainability agenda and environmental regulations facing businesses.

Those companies which are successful in energy management can achieve a competitive advantage: but it requires careful strategic planning, internal resources and capital expenditure, all of which might impact on the core business.

An October 2015 report produced for the Scottish Government, for example, revealed that 8.3 million tonnes of CO2 was emitted by the eight most energy intensive industries in Scotland in 2012, and that this made up 15% of all annual Scottish greenhouse gas emissions. The report said that “progressive grid decarbonisation of 2012 electricity use”, together with “continuing investment in ‘incremental’ energy efficiency and heat recovery measures and increased use of biomass” is expected to result in a 27% reduction in those emissions by 2050.

There are already best practice examples in the market. For instance, Diageo harnesses organic waste from their plants and turns it into a source of energy to help power site operations.

More information available on the website below