Growing demand for renewable energy experts

28th May 2021 | Commercial Energy

Renewable energy in the UK has come a long way since the first North Sea wind turbine was installed 20 years ago. Today, there are more than 3000 offshore turbines either already feeding into the National Grid or currently under construction1. This includes Dogger Bank located off the east Yorkshire coast which, once completed, will be one of the largest wind farms in the world.

Over the next five years, to meet the UK Government’s pledge that every home in the country will be powered by green energy from offshore wind, an investment of £60 billion from the private sector is expected to be pumped into developing, constructing and operating wind farms. As a result, the number of people working in the industry is set to rise from the current figure of 26 000 to almost 70 0002.

Renewable Energy

There is therefore a rapidly growing need for skilled companies and individuals, with a sound understanding of the renewables industry, but particularly in offshore wind. The UK’s subsea industry is known for its experience and expertise, largely honed in North Sea oil and gas but eminently transferable to offshore wind, as evidenced by the increase in subsea revenues from this market. But the industry is at a pivotal juncture where it must take important decisions and steps if it is to capitalise on the renewable opportunity.

Neil Gordon, Chief Executive of Subsea UK, said: “We have seen a much sharper focus and acceleration from oil and gas towards renewables over the past year as companies adapt and reposition themselves to be part of the energy transition and net-zero targets.

“Reducing companies’ reliance on volatile fossil fuel commodities is one driver but so too is the stream of exciting, live opportunities in offshore wind and those in emerging floating offshore wind, wave and tidal, hydrogen and CCUS. “The companies already proving to be ahead of the curve are those who fully understand the synergies across the various renewable energy sectors as well as appreciating the differences.

“There’s a growing appetite for knowledge that will give companies a sound overview of the renewables sector, from licencing through to contracting models. Armed with this insight, companies will be able to position themselves in the renewables market.”

More information available on the website below